Sunday, June 18, 2017

Ramadhan Again - The Holy Month

Ramadhan is the holy month for moslem. A month with full of blesses and forgiveness from Allah SWT (God). Every adult moslem must do fasting, in Indonesia, it is about 12 hours. We did sahur or early breakfast around 4-5am and break the fasting in around 6-7pm in around Maghrib time.
In healthy side, fasting is like cleaning your blood naturaly, and well you will less consuming carbo, fat, and sweet things which Inshaa Allah bring good benefit to your body.
Spiritual benefit, by fasting, personally I feel that I get more calm, patience, in facing problem, Inshaa Allah. Amin
During Ramadhan, even I did fasting, I feel that I can stand with hunger and thirsty, the atmosphere is different, and I believe, this is because I did it in the name of Allah SWT.
For those who didnt fasting, perhaps they will have question? Why you do it?
The answer, 1st in Islam for those adult moslem it is mandatory to do fasting in Ramadhan month, its written in holy Quran.
2nd, I think personally, the message is that Allah wants us (moslem) to feel hunger and thirsty, as many others who might feel them everyday in their life because of poverty. So that we (moslem) will become a better people by understanding others problem.
Ramadhan will always be missed, and may Allah bless us and accept our fasting and praying during this time. Amin

-With Islam I grow up, feel blessing in life, the light for every dark dots, and to Allah I surrender my everythings-

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Stay Positive

In life many things will be happen, good things and bad things
They key is how to face the bad things?
Be positive, stay positive, think positive, well you name it
Stay positive will keep your brain cool, your heart warm, and your lip stay shut up.
Because sometime, no need too much talk or silent
Bad things are just messages from Allah (God), that He loves you more than you never imagine, and He wants you to learn to value your life
Be calm for every steps taken, consider it before deciding the best action
In this Ramadhan month, the holy month in Islam, will helping those who did fasting to stay positive and calm

-Life is too beautiful to be messed up with such lil things-

January 2025

The year has changed, and now we are in 2025. How’s life? I’m doing well. Of course, there were ups and downs, however, every trouble will p...