Friday, December 27, 2019


Starting the blog in 2006, and I still post my opinion, feeling, thought, anything to express what I am until today
Today, I am checking that I have 399 posts so far, and lets make today's post as the number 400 and closing this year 2019
I dedicated this to write about an Indonesia's movie: Imperfect
This movie is based on novel by Meira Anastasia. It was released on December 19, 2019 and according to IMDb this movie on December 27, the rate is 8.3/10. Directed by Ernest Prakasa

Personally I gave this movie score 9/10, as it succeeded to deliver the message about insecurity which can be turned into feel blessed with what you have in life
Every parts of this movie has drawn me to feel happy, sad, strong, weak, insecure, and blessed as a woman and just being easy to life...dont stress much, and enjoying whatever I have now
The comedy part is also one of the mantras that makes this movie one of the best Indonesian movies I ever watched

However, in reality mostly women is being trapped by society which expected to have pretty face, perfect body, flat belly, smart, just all the good things you can mention especially related to physic or body shape
This pressure is a classic issue which I believe will be always addressed to women. It doesnt mean when there is woman with pretty face, going diet, maintain her looks and body shape, is weird, it's totally OK, but the problem, people often not ready to accept the opposite, fat, dark skin, not pretty, curly hair, etc

Last time I read that Imperfect has been watched by over than 900,000 viewers and I believe it will hit 1 million in the near time. Hope lots women and men, couples, and teenager more and more go to cinema to watch this movie, to realize that in this life one of precious things (in my opinion) is to appreciate each other as human, no matter what is your gender, skin color, shape, hair style, anything, and feeling blessed to live in healthy, peace, and freedom condition



Friday, November 08, 2019

Today Review: Yang Bikin Aku Makin Sayang Sama Kompasiana

Perkembangan jaman, perubahan kehidupan, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan status sosial, mendorong manusia secara naluriah untuk mencari berita yang ter-update
Masih teringat ketika awal mengenal internet saat kuliah dulu, sangat terbatasnya akses karena harus ke warnet untuk sekedar mengecek email. Juga ketika beberapa tahun kemudian bekerja, dan karena bertanggungjawab di bagian pembelian, juga mengalami kendala oleh supplier yang tidak memiliki situs website ataupun email.

Dengan berjalannya waktu, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, media sosial semakin nge-hits, begitupun situs-situs berita yang semakin banyak eksis di dunia maya
Tetapi hanya beberapa yang bisa dapat dipercaya dan menyajikan berita yang valuable bagi pembaca, salah satunya

Kategori berita yang ditampilkan, memberi ruang kepada pembaca untuk memilih berita yang ingin diakses, dan juga menu pilihan berita yang tersedia
Judul yang disajikan juga cukup fair dan terkorelasi dengan konten atau isi berita sehingga tidak menjebak pembaca! well yes sometime I was tricked by some online news
Ruang menulis yang disediakan di kompasiana untuk penulis ataupun para bloger juga merupakan salah satu bentuk media yang terbuka bagi siapa saja untuk dapat mengekspresikan pikiran dan pendapat

So there is no doubt to stay following this site, as one of my news sites and wishing its stay fair and positive!
Writing in bahasa for the first time in this blog for kompasiana!

-people change, life rock on, news never die-


Sunday, August 04, 2019

I am Stupid!

To miss the chance
To let the opportunity
Too late to realise
Too slow to move
Too long to stay in the circle
To cry after
To blame my self then

I am a good pretender
I am good in hiding the truth feeling
I am a master in smiling to cover the pain
I am is what I am
One of stupid lovers

-sometime in the air, in sept 2010-

Friday, July 19, 2019

I Fine I Thank You Love You (2014)

I Fine I Thank You Love You (2014). Its Thailand movie which was hit and said made biggest profit
What makes me found this movie, well, the quota data on my mobile is still lot and it will expired soon, so here I go, download many movies, animes, and anything that I like.
You can go to Wikipedia for the plot detail, the thing that I wanna share, this movie is totally funny, I personally laughing till the end
The two main character; Teacher Pleng and Jim, they both are really bring this movie "life", the interaction between them is natural, and Pleng even made me want to learn english again, I think if she becomes my tutor then I guess my english could be better than now :D
Dont expected romance scene or even kissing, this comedy romance genre without those...yet I guarantee you wont feel regret after watching it
Sunny Suwanmethanon I think I am officially your fan now!

-life is good-

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Beauty Inside : Sri Muryani

Ok I cannot hold my tears, i am just starting to post something about a beautiful soul in my life.
She is one of my unties. Her name is Sri Muryani.
From where I shall start with? What I feel for her in general, she just a kind human, a good sister to her younger sisters and brothers. A quiet person, more on action, easy to laugh, and smart woman...yes smart...

She passed away, in quiet way
To be rested in peace
The end of fighting to diabetes
The long journey finally ended

Sleep forever
To meet the love in heaven
Celebrate the eternity
Embracing the forever freedom
You have to be happy there
You must to. I pray God granting the wish

Your inherit, be quiet, be grateful
To live simple life
Sometime to give in to win at the end
Hanging there because woman is born to be strong
Be kind to others, to glorify your surroundings

-please rest in peace, good words will follow good soul, i salute you, forever be happy there : jannah-

Friday, May 31, 2019

Jdrama: Chugakusei Nikki

Ok I think I m in the mood in writing lately. I am going to share another very touching Jdrama, well I like drama and romantic genre anyway.
The title is Chugakusei Nikki, its about forbidden love between 15 yo Akira-kun a junior high school to his teacher 25 yo Hijiri-san.
Well in Japan, in short forbid for adult to have relationship with under 18 yo, so you can guess how difficult their love story.
Short story, when Akira's mom found out about this relation, she did anything to stop them, yet Akira's feeling to Hajiri is very strong as well as Hijiri finally realise her true feeling to Akira, and she broke up with her fiancè.
In a stage when Hajiri been forced to sign an oath to stay away from Akira, she did bravely and with sincere hope that Akira could continue his study and having good future. In this scene, I can feel that Akira's mom realise the truth feeling of Hajiri to Akira.
It took 8 years journey for this love birds to finally get together.
The moral lesson, true love is out there and could be happen to anyone of us, or already happen to many couples
Is not as easy as in drama or movie, however, dont stop believing in true love.

-when you're in love, love what you have-

Saturday, May 25, 2019 : Giving Hopes

I dont get anything by writing this post from
I just want to write about this site and how its made people get together and helping those who needs help.
Kitabisa its bahasa word which literally means we can
Roughly I can say that this site with their campaign, the goal is to help and or rise donation for anyone who needs fund; for build school, hospital fee, anything with no limitation.
Welcoming, inviting, giving chance to everyone to donate
The magic that I can see thru this site, is that there are so many good and warm people out there who care to each other by making donation
The spirit to help other and to solve their difficulties on money,  giving hopes to others.
I hope that this project will stay giving positive vibes to other and more people will get help

-dont lose faith on believing to Allah (God), He helps you in so many unpredictable ways-

Sunday, May 12, 2019

A Moment in Life

Time goes by and this already in May, 2019. Usually when starting the new year, I am trying to post something and yeah I just got this time to bit express my thought.
Yesterday was my bday, it was good that I got the wish from my beloved parent, sister, and very few friends, well yes coz I closed my birth date on FB or I dont post pic on IG
Anyway, it is not about the adding age or the additional white hair which is more and more, wow I am not teenage anymore haha, it is about a moment in life, I feel I havent done nothing good yet, even if I did, its just something that everybody does as well...this might bring me to the empty feeling in my soul
Have you ever feel it too?
Life isnt easy, I try my best to close to Allah, to learn to be better person, trying to have fair thought and being consider to other, every good things, but still feel missing something...
Well I wont give up then, lets find this missing dot, it will take time, but I believe everything has end, the good ending.

- I want you bad, but its done...(James Bay). Its not the end yet. Good bye past. Welcome future, with or without. The good ending -

January 2025

The year has changed, and now we are in 2025. How’s life? I’m doing well. Of course, there were ups and downs, however, every trouble will p...