Sunday, December 31, 2023

Thank You 2023, Welcome 2024

In 2023. most of the year, I full it with journeys. I started with it traveling to Surabaya and Jakarta for suppliers visit and audit, which happen around Jan - Feb. Learning lesson; most of the supplier's personnel in years I just communicate with them by email, phonecall, and whatsapp however, since the relation build by trust and good willing, by the time you meet them, its like meet your friends. The target visit and audit in overall is good.

In march, got 2nd chance to visit Selayar, as the impact of covid, the flight from makassar to selayar is limited, so for the first time I used the ferry. How do you feel? tiring tho, because from makassar I need to go to bira by rent car for about 4 hours, then continue by ferry in 2 hours to pamatata (selayar's port). On the way back to Bali, it was already entering the fasting month, so I did fasting on the journey from selayar to makassar all they way, I made it I didnt break my fast eventho the journey isnt easy. What did you do in selayar? Its more to find out why the nutmeg supply taking so long time, the conclusion is the demand isnt much, forbid to build buffer, and by the time the nuts is available it taken by other collectors, and when nuts order come in, as no buffer of raw mat, then ofcourse needs time to collect it again from farmers which is taking time. Learning lesson: Strong willing will overcome the doubt, as well as you cannot please everyone, the are always reason to judge you and complaint on your effort. But is ok, challenges will enrich my soft skill, and never fail me to keep learn doing good.

Next was in end of May to early June total in 19 days of journey, be part of harvesting vanilla and went to Maumere to Adonara. It was very challenging, as the first time I involved in harvesting process, meet farmer and buy the vanilla in cash, this year the price for green vanilla was drop, and difficult to explain it to farmer, isnt my company that arranging or planning the price down, but the fact the market price for vanilla was down, because the Madagascar is doing well with stock and crop, which impact to Indonesian's price. Arguing with fews stubborn people, starting the journey in very early morning everyday, and end it mostly at night, having meal always late, the road that not always smooth, make sure no missing on the money calculation, it does tested my patient and body endurance, and thanks Allah, I wasnt get sick. Learning lesson: Dont forget to pray in every step you take, and Allah will just stay beside you, and keep you safe and sound!

Last but not least, was in August, I got an assignment to go to Manado, as the pic of clove wasnt around, so I went on her behalf, to buy and make sure the container loading as planned. I was like 11 days there, as a sudden additional container is ready and I requested to stay and make sure the final container is safe. The good thing is that, this is the 1st time I went there alone, beside doing the transaction (I am a purchaser tho) and planning the container, I was also taking the responsibility in quality, I mean taking sample to make sure that I am not buying water (moisture shall be meet the spec.), and make sure the method of taking the sample is also following the guideline so the sample taken is representative. Alhamdulillah all is running good. Eventho at this period of assignment I experience something that against my personal life rules, but again I cannot ask everyone to have the same life rules as mine right? Learning lesson: I learn to respect other people point of view of treating others.

I believe everyone has they own stories in life, as well as mine. All I want in this life Allah will always and always take care of me and parents mostly, and others. In His guideline I will keep the willing to learn being kind, and doing good. In His decision I will follow whatever that He plans to me. I hope that me and all of you will have the best things in the next year and in the future.

-Love yourself before you love others-

Thank you 2023. Welcome 2024

January 2025

The year has changed, and now we are in 2025. How’s life? I’m doing well. Of course, there were ups and downs, however, every trouble will p...