Monday, May 26, 2008

Make Difference with WaMu

Most people are saving their money in bank and this is very common way. Well, there is nothing wrong to choose bank as a place to save your money, and I did it too.
I will introduce you with a place that could handle your money with friendly and fun way. It is Wamu - Washington Mutual Bank, the bank for everyday people where they take care of their customer's money seriously. They have focussed on consumers, small business and commercials consumers. The best thing is that they are listen to their customers and make banking simple and enjoyable
Simple and Enjoyable, these two words are interesting to discuss, how WaMu could offer them to you?
WaMu has several option of savings accounts products, they are;
1. Online Savings
2. Statement Savings
3. Traditional CD
4. Online CD
5. Liquid CD
Basically if we want to save our money to bank commonly we need to go to the bank and line up for our turn. If you want to make it Simple you can choose one of WaMu savings accounts products which is Online Savings or Online CD (certificate of deposit).
Further, if you want to choose to open an Online Saving account you can manage it online with online banking and electronic statement.
Second, if you want to choose Online CD then you will get a great certificate of deposit rate. An online certificate of deposit comes with free personal online banking and also account statement.
I guess the part of Enjoyable is when you can save your money with an easy way through online service and save your time as well as WaMu has provided to you ;)

1 comment:

Vina Revi said...

r u sure that we can trust them? well, just curious.

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