Friday, August 12, 2016

Full Day School

Recently, the education minister has plan to apply full day school for student in Indonesia, the idea is to prevent student to go to mall/hanging out after school time.
The public reaction in generally is negative. Mostly parents did not agree to this idea. Well I am not a parent yet, but I also totally not agree.
If I throwback time, when I was student, the study time was up to 12.30 PM, sometime I need to stay longer at school, because there was additional class…tired, boring and not effective
Since elementary to university, I went to government institution, and somehow I thought that it might be better, if in basic education kinder garden to elementary, I went to private institution which they have better education system. I see the progress in my nieces.
However, private institution or school, yet they have good system, but the cost is also expensive and not every parent is able to send their children to this kind of institution.
I wish the current education minister will be able to see in general the education problem in Indonesia, rather than come up with such weird idea, full day school, which big NO from me.
Education is important, every children in Indonesia is able to study to the highest level with low cost and if possible for free. Big HOPE and I wish it will come true

- My pray, hope, dream, wish, is a better Indonesia, the land of my blood-

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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Jika ya, silahkan kunjungi website kami atau untuk info selengkapnya.

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