Saturday, May 11, 2024

Self Reminder: The Born Day

Today is my born day, I think I never post on my born day, but this year I want to write few words.
Since I was young, in my family, not really celebrate the birthday, usually my parent and sister only give me the birthday wish, and my mother cook good food for us. So, in my mind birthday not really a big deal, and am just happy when my family remember it, thats it

I dont really wish or want people notice by birthday, I even closed my birthday from my sosmed account, coz I dont expect friends to notice it.
As the time pass and I am getting older, actually every year when the number of my age is scale up 😊, I realize spiritually its like a year lessen to live in this beautiful world

How do you feel in this year? in your 44th yo?
Well this twin number of my age that move me to write this post actually, because the twin number will be happen in another 11 years, and who knows? am I still alive? well I hope so...amin

How I feel? In general, first of all, I pray al-fatihah for my self, I thank you to Allah SWT for always bless me, my parent are healthy, I have job, I can do charity, I have good friends even not many, I can buy things that I want, I have debt but not much, I have small saving, am healthy (well in my pov tho), I can treat my fam with good food. I am happy

But then...I am happy and also sad. I sad because there are still many poor people out there and working hard to live, Palestine still suffer, many babies abandon by their parents, many orphans, I still see arrogant rich person, I face or see unfair things happen, poor children couldnt continue their school, and then how to answer, why am I not marry yet?

The last question is that mostly kind of standard question in my society, in my age and still single is like weird
They forget that every person has her own path and journey, I cannot choose my destiny, I was dreamed to get marry at 26th and having children, I made this target when I was in high school, but who can predict that am still single now. This is the path that Allah SWT assign to me, and what will be happen ahead is in His hand, in simple understanding, do you know when you will die? no one knows the answer, anybody maybe?

Therefor Rina, I talk to my self, lets enjoy this "you only live once" in this beautiful world, que sera sera, whatever will be, will be. Lets continue this life bravely and it doesnt matter if I will walk or run, I can choose the speed
Everyone that celebrates birthday in May 11th, I wish you a happy born day, and all the best for you, because your best is yours!

Bali, May 11 2024. Thank you Rina for being strong and dont forget to loving yourself!
Around 11.45PM - 15 minutes before the day will change!

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Self Reminder: The Born Day

Today is my born day, I think I never post on my born day, but this year I want to write few words. Since I was young, in my family, not rea...